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15th August 2014
We all value our local shopping street on Bishy Road with its independent traders but did you know that even up to the 1970s there were plans to change the neighbourhood completely?
To solve traffic problems in the centre of York in the post-war period there was a scheme for a new Inner Ring Road, to route traffic over a new river crossing from Fishergate. This was planned to run along Sandringham Street, across the river, passing the end of Rowntree Park, taking in land alongside Vine Street, Anne Street and Charlton Street. It would then continue along Scarcroft Road.
These plans caused much uncertainty in Clementhorpe for many years, blighting the area. North Yorkshire County Council acquired property along the path of the proposed route and there was some demolition work. However attitudes to modern planning changed and the scheme was eventually officially abandoned in 1978.
If this road had been built it would have cut many of the Scarcroft terraced streets off from our neighbourhood shops and completely changed the nature of the area we live in. We must be thankful that the scheme did not succeed.