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16th November 2021
Bishophill - a wealth of history
This year we joined forces with Bishophill History Group, to share history and resources. We're now celebrating this with a free event coming up soon, so please make a note in your diary.
On Saturday 4 December we'll be hosting a display from 11am - 2pm at Jacobs Well in Trinity Lane. As well as giving you an idea of the themes of Bishophill history we're working on, we're also displaying our Bishophill Corner Shops Project. This has been supported by the Micklegate Ward Fund, with the aim of encouraging older people living in the area, who might have been excluded socially by pandemic restrictions, to talk about their memories.
If you do have any photos or memories of the old shops and pubs, please let us know. Either email us on, or drop a note through the door at Clements Hall. We'll also be staging some pop-up events in Bishophill to encourage people to tell us more.