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12th August 2022
Farewell to the Trafalgar Bay
We're very disappointed that pub managers Sarah Walmsley and Phil Roper will be leaving the Trafalgar Bay on Nunnery Lane in York soon and that the pub will close. Their hard work and diligence over the last few years have created a wonderful community pub, which is valued by many. We would heartily commend them in their role as excellent managers with a welcoming response to all.
Importantly for us they played a key role in supporting group activity for our Nunnery Lane history project, which led to our achieving a national award for community engagement. They could not have been more helpful, going out of their way to providing comfortable chairs for some of our elderly members and those with disabilities, and gaining at least one fan for Sam Smith's bottled Imperial Stout.
This year has been a particularly difficult time for Sarah and Phil. They will be sadly missed by the community and we wish to place on record their contribution to our neighbourhood area.
The Trafalgar Bay will be closing after this weekend. Opening hours for the last four days will be 1 pm - 7 pm Friday 12th - Monday 15th August, when Sarah and Phil will be there. So hopefully you will be able to pay them a last visit to say farewell and thanks.