Get involved
You can become a member of our History Group for a small sum of £5 for the year, which gives you reduced fee (£1) to talks and walks. You can add £5 to pay for all the talks this year. Non-members are also very welcome. See here for details.
Online membership
Please note we offer online only membership for £5. This type of membership entitles the member to view recordings of the talks at home on a computer or tablet. The online member would receive the link automatically as soon as the recording is made, usually a week or so after the live talk. We record all the talks that we are allowed to by the speakers. Very occasionally a speaker does not wish to be recorded.
Contact us by email, or alternatively leave a note at Clements Hall.
You can of course just attend one or more of our talks. But we're also keen to attract people who might have an interest in a topic or be keen to learn new skills in exploring something relating to the history of our area.
Skills might include:
Carrying out oral history interviews
Taking photographs of buildings
Tracking down old photographs
Using the internet either at home or in a library to look at the census and other sources
Looking at sources in the library eg trade directories for the history of the shops
Using old maps
Organising a display