Micklegate School logbooks, York
Selections from the 1880s
From ExploreYork, Reference 4.17 (Acc 158 & 565)
Micklegate Infant School logbook
ExploreYork reference: [labelling was incomplete], Acc 565. It starts in July 1864, but I checked only from 1881)
1881 2 May Isabella Bratton was monitress this week
1881 30 May L. Foord’s geography was very unsatisfactory
1881 11 July [Pupil] Teachers were examined in Arithmetic. Ada Noyes was very good, L. Foord was moderate.
1881 1 August Attendances were down because of Bank Holiday. L. Foord is absent a lot
1882 13 January Pupil teachers are regular and punctual
1882 20 January A. Noyes was working in Girls’ School
1882 31 January L. Foord was off with a sore throat
1881 6 February Sent some children to the Girls’ School
1881 20 February A. Noyes has scarlet fever
1882 20 March Diocesan Inspection by Henry Toovey
1882 3 April L. Foord was off a with sore throat
1882 16 April L. Foord was absent
1882 17 April Diocesan Inspection Report – “a very satisfactory note on religious instruction” – “the children are bright and intelligent” – “pleased with neat appearance of the children”
1882 28 April Several children have measles
1882 12 May Measles
1882 26 May L. Foord absent all week
1882 June Measles – L. Foord absent – Yorkshire Gala and Sunday School treat lead to poor attendance
1882 1 September Monitor Ada Wilson manages the Lower School nicely
1882 22 September Railway excursion for men and their families
1882 5 October Inspection by P. Gardner [Her Majesty’s Inspector]
1882 18 October Louisa Foord returns, mornings only
1882 17 November HMI Inspection Report – the school suffered from lack of services of a pupil teacher – best features were: singing, sewing, knitting and writing – lower classes not so good as last year – teaching needs “ a little more life and spirit” – “random answering is still unchecked”
OBJECT LESSONS: Coal, silver, lead, bread, butter, tea
ANIMAL LESSONS: The cat tribe (lion & tiger), The dog tribe (fox, wolf), cow, deer, sheep
1883 15 January Sent after several absentees – Mrs O’Reilly visited [she was a frequent visitor]
1883 February Both A. Noyes and L. Foord were off
1883 2 March A. Noyes was off because of mother’s serious illness – L. Foord has shown great improvement
OBJECT LESSONS: Cotton, wool, linen, silk, leather
ANIMAL LESSONS: Rat, beaver, squirrel, horse, camel, elephant
1883 16 March Diocesan Inspection by Henry Toovey
1883 9, 10 May L. Foord absent because of mother’s illness
1883 18 May Poor attendance because of Cavalry Review
1883 18 May Diocesan Inspection Report – Old Testament: very good – New Testament: very good – Catechism: very good – “Repetition was well known, singing pleasing and children very neat and orderly”
1883 1 June Pupil teachers devote most time to needlework rather than ordinary lessons
1883 22 June Special attention to Middle Section – reading unsatisfactory – “L. Burgess works hard with the lowest class, which is making fair progress”
1883 28 June L. Foord has learnt no history in the last two weeks and did no history in the last quarterly examination
1883 22 October Sent 24 boys to the Boys’ School
1883 23 November HMI Inspection Report - The Infants Department is in “a very fair state of efficiency. All subjects have received attention, writing and needlework being, as usual, the best. Some more desks are needed and framed slates should be used.” A. L. Noyes, spelling: She must improve generally. L. Foord should improve in spelling, arithmetic, composition and geography. No application has been made for the extension of her engagement under Art: Section 4 of her memorandum of agreement.
1883 7 December L. Foord is required by the Committee to work more diligently
1884 7 January L. Foord was withdrawn from the school, the Committee consenting to her immediate removal. Jane Dawney was transferred from Cherry Street School.
1884 28 March Diocesan Inspector’s Report – “The little children are carefully and kindly taught. I was glad to see them so bright and clean and to find them ready to answer the questions put to them. They sang their hymns nicely and were orderly and attentive.”
1884 12 September List of songs: What does little birdie say? – A fair little girl – Come, birdie, come – Song of the monkey
1884 2 October Inspection by C. J. Colson, HMI
1884 6 November 18 girls went up to the girls’ department
1884 20 November – HMI Inspection Report – Elementary subjects have evidently been taught with great care and a fair amount of success has been achieved. Serious concerns about the state of the building: more desks are needed and must be supplied without delay. The school cannot be recommended for the Good Merit Grant unless steps are taken to improve the building and provide more efficient accommodation for the Infants
1884 29 December Ada Noyes left after completing her apprenticeship in September
Micklegate Trinity Girls' School logbook
York Explore reference:, Micklegate School (Acc 158)
1 June 1863 – 9 Mar 1894. Notes cover 1881-1888 only
1881 9 Mar Mrs O’Reilly heard a class read. At other times she looked at needlework (10/2/83) and distributed prizes (18/1/84)
1881 2 Dec – HMI Inspection report. Reading, writing and spelling are very fair but arithmetic is poor [This section is very difficult to read]
Regular visitors to the school were: Rev. W.F. Wilberforce, Mrs O’Reilly, Rev. S. H. Bennett, Miss Peel, Rev. J. Metcalf. The clergy gave Scripture lessons and examined the girls on their Catechism. They also helped with mental arithmetic and writing.
1882 30 Mar Diocesan Inspection by Henry Toovey.
1882 29 April Measles
1882 27 May The girls attended a Missionary Meeting in the Victoria Hall
1882 24 June Attendance is down – Sunday School Treats from St Mary Bishophill Junior and St Paul’s
1882 5 August Children attend the flower show at St Peter’s
1882 23 September Attendance down – railway trip
1882 21 October Miss Crompton bought tickets for Pupil Teachers to attend the Winter Garden
1882 16 December HMI Inspection Report – numbers have increased to detrimental effect on teaching. “Arithmetic is as backward as ever.” Geography was introduced this year but knowledge was “somewhat partial.” The grant is recommended “with hesitation.” The Girls are in creditable order.
1883 27 January The girls are spoken to about loitering near the Bar when leaving school.
1883 24 February A girl was kept in over lunch for arriving late.
1883 14 August The school was visited by two attendance officers
1883 7 December HMI Inspection Report – the girls are still overcrowded in one room. “. It has been problematic for three years. Needlework: specimens worked on the day were “decidedly poor.” English, a new subject, fails to satisfy the lower test.
1884 18 January Girls attended a cookery class from 10 am-12.
1884 17 March School was inspected on Religious Knowledge with good results. VG for knowledge of the New Testament and repetition of hymns and catechism, in spite of overcrowding.
Revs. Bulmer and Collins are now visiting. Also Rev. G. Trundle
1884 10 October, p. 348 Jane Whittle, Sarah Johnson, Sarah A. Todd, Lilly A. Thorpe, Ruth A. Milner are able to distinguish the letters of the alphabet.
1884 8 November Fourteen of the 1st Class Girls attended the funeral of Laura Potter. [She died of scarlet fever.]
1884 20 November HMI Inspection – Crowding is still bad. There is a “large proportion of previously untaught children” in the first standard. Upper levels are all right, though arithmetic and grammar are not good. “Discipline is creditable to the teachers” given the space/crowding.
1884 12 December The girls were taught some Christmas carols
1885 13 March Diocesan Inspection – Most subjects are Very Fair or Good. Repetition of hymns and Scripture were Very Good. Recommend that some prayers be taught “for home use.”
1885 23 October Standards are to be rearranged by recent examination results
1885 11 November HMI Inspection Report – “The addition of a classroom has not, I am sorry to say, improved the work in the school. Reading is fair, but all the rest of the elementary work is weak”, and “Grammar is absolutely worthless.” Only Needlework is “creditable in every class.”
The Horse Fair and Bishophill Flower Show affected attendance.
1886 19 March Diocesan Inspection - Generally Good or Very Good.
1886 28 May, p. 371 Isabella Legnard [?] and Lilly Cooper knew nothing beyond the Alphabet when admitted
1886 2 August The Headmistress E. E. Buckingham notes that 95 children attended on the first day of term. She found “attendance most irregular and the scholars unpunctual.”
1886 9 August Several girls were punished for bad behaviour in the playground.
1886 13 August Only 100 children were present out of a total of 152
1886 3 September Several names were passed to the School Attendance Officer.
1886 10 September The new ventilators are a boon
1886 17 September Two girls left on account of being sent home for their school money
1886 3 October Two girls left on account of being sent home for their school money
1886 8 October Miss Simpson paid Mary Johnson’s fees
1886 29 October Admitted 20 children from the Infant School
SONGS: I’m but a little simple flower – Tripping through the meadows daily – The rainbow
POETRY: 1st standard - The children’s flowers; 2nd & 3rd standards – Rain in summer (Longfellow); 4th, 5th & 6th standards – The building of the ship (Longfellow)
1886 15 November HMI Inspection Report - The school is “sadly neglected … in a miserably low state of efficiency.” Only handwriting and needlework were satisfactory
1887 14 January A harmonium was received
1887 28 January 5 new scholars were admitted
1887 18 February A. Hudson was expelled for running home during school hours
1887 28 March Diocesan Inspection: lots of Goods and Very Goods, though Division II confused the early lives of Moses and Our Saviour
1887 29 April The older girls help with spring cleaning
1887 8 August Jane Wright becomes Headmistress
1887 19 August Nearly half of the scholars are in the 1st Standard
1887 16 September Reading is very poor
POETRY FOR 1888: Caractacus at Rome – Order for a picture – Llewellyn and his dog – Casabianca (“The boy stood on the burning deck”) – The child and the swallow
1887 14 October 17 girls were received from the Infant School
1887 28 October Annie Shepherd was absent for 2 weeks
1887 4 November The Denham family have scarlet fever
1887 11 November HMI Inspection Report – Discipline is good. There are slight signs of improvement in Instruction. There is “little doubt that when the present mistress has been longer in charge, a great change for the better will be effected.”
1887 24 November Staff: Jane Wright – Headmistress; Catherine Dunn – 1st Assistant; Annie Holmes – 2nd Assistant; Annie Press – Pupil Teacher
1887 2 December Emily Hick and Lucy Burrell were absent for 3 weeks – “no boots.”
1887 9 December Carrie Frankish and Pollie Dawson are very backward new pupils
Measles and scarlet fever are frequently mentioned
POETRY: Mary Queen of Scots (G. H. Bell); The burial of Sir John Moore (Wolfe); The Inchcape Rock (Southey); White pussy for I division
1888 2 November 42 children were received from the Infant Department
1888 28 November HMI Inspection Report – “An appreciable improvement all round.” The Lower standards are better than the Upper ones. Needlework earns a higher grant, and English a lower. “A clock that will go is much needed.”
1888 28 November The 2nd Assistant is now Mary K. Barker
Appendix 1 – children named in the Micklegate logbooks
10 October 1884, p. 348 - Jane Whittle, Sarah Johnson, Sarah A. Todd, Lilly A. Thorpe, Ruth A. Milner
28 May 1886, p. 371 - Isabella Legnard [?] and Lilly Cooper
8 Oct 1886, p. 375 – Mary Johnson
18 February 1887, p. 382 – A. Hudson
28 October 1887 – Annie Shepherd
4 November 1887 – the Denham family
8 November 1887 - Laura Potter
2 December 1887 – Emily Hick & Lucy Burrell
9 December 1887 – Carrie Frankish & Pollie Dawson
Appendix 2 – Clergy who visited the school (From: Crockford’s Clerical Directory 1885, on www.ancestry.co.uk)
Bennett, Simeon Hardy, Vicar of St Mary Bishophill Junior
Bulmer, Edward, Rector of St Martin Micklegate with St Gregory
Collins, William Henry, Rector of All Saints, North Street
Metcalf, Joseph, Rector of Bilborough. Joint author of School round book; Rounds, catches and canons of England; etc
Toovey, Henry, Diocesan Inspector of Schools
Trundle, George, Vicar of St John (Micklegate) Ousebridge (previously Vicar Choral of York Minster)
Wilberforce, William Francis, Vicar of Fulford
Appendix 3 - Who was L. Foord?
Louisa Foord (b. 1865, Malton) was fifteen in 1880 and was a pupil teacher at Micklegate Infants. She was in effect training on the job to be a teacher, and should have become fully qualified after five years. Pupil teachers were required to meet basic standards in reading, punctuation, arithmetic, dictation, geography etc, and were examined quarterly to check their competence. In Church of England schools like Micklegate Girls, they had to know and understand the Catechism, and “the outline of Scripture history.” Girls were also expected to be able to sew.
Louisa was rather a liability in several aspects. She was frequently absent through sickness, mostly unspecified. Although she was good at needlework, her capabilities in most other subjects were very poor, and she did not put much effort into improving her skills or working for her examinations. The school was very long suffering and put up with her for several years, possibly because her father Herbert Foord was an Assistant Overseer, so a respected member of the community. However, the Committee eventually got her removed in January 1884.
Appendix 4 – who was Mrs O’Reilly?
Caroline Rachel Crompton O’ Reilly (1809 – 1885) was a regular visitor to Micklegate School. She was an elderly and rather wealthy widow who lived at Micklegate House and is named on a family monument inside Holy Trinity Church, Micklegate. Her husband Francis Gammel O’Reilly (1811 - 1878) is described on the 1871 census as a Retired Officer in the Civil Service (Bermuda).